Baby announcements are often difficult as many people do not yet know the gender of the baby when they announce and find it difficult to choose a theme or color scheme. Using yellow for gender neutrality is long out of style (nothing against yellow, it's just not the go-to for neutral baby colors anymore!), so a good option is to use earth tone colors like dark green, beige/cream, and browns.
When announcing a new baby, you can use a simple onesie that baby could also wear for first photos or a going home outfit. If you have older children, you can have them announce a pregnancy with a tee or crewneck for them to wear as well.
Cheeky announcement caption ideas
We’re pregnant! And by ‘we’ I mean me.
Our DIY project got out of hand: Baby coming soon.
No longer a rumor: It's a baby!
Apparently, you CAN get pregnant from Netflix and chill.
Looks like we’re not getting a puppy after all.
Oops, we did it again. And by it, we mean a baby.
Our house is about to be outnumbered by baby toys.
Adding another mouth to feed because we clearly love a challenge.
Turns out our family planning is as good as our cooking skills.
We’re thrilled to announce we’re no longer child-free.